Origami Workshop

Origami Workshop

At AFI Ploiesti, colored paper comes to life through an Origami Workshop  for children!

Come to AFI Ploiesti on 12th of  May at 12.00 to participate to an Origami Workshop and give your child the opportunity to learn how to create a colored paper object.

Benefits of the origami workshop:

  • Expression of the creative personality by making some forms of colored paper by the children;
  • Development of patience, memory and concentration;
  • Joy and satisfaction, as a result of things done with their own hands;
  • Encouraging children to interact with new friends through this form of art.

If you want the little one to attend this workshop, send us a mail to office@adboutique.ro.

The entrance is free and includes all the materials necessary for carrying out the activities.

Event organized by Loredana Chelba and hosted by AFI Ploiesti.